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Pangolin Rehab & Release

Pangolins are the most trafficked animal globally, and Zambia’s pangolin population (Temminck’s Ground and White-bellied Tree Pangolins) is no exception. Together with DNPW, WCP assists in seizing pangolins from illegal trade nationwide.Since pangolins are more valuable to the end consumer alive than dead, many are rescued alive by wildlife authorities. However, their time with criminals often leaves them malnourished, injured, and weak.

The WCP pangolin rehabilitation center, in partnership with DNPW, provides treatment and care, giving these sensitive animals the best chance of a successful release back into the wild.A pangolin is released into the wild, as close as possible to its original location (if known), when it has:

  • Recovered from any wounds or illnesses.
  • Attained sufficient weight gain.
  • Achieved a healthy body condition and posture.

This comprehensive approach ensures the best possible outcome for rescued pangolins.