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Women For Conservation

The conservation sector in Zambia has historically been dominated by men. Conservation may be a difficult choice for women, especially if work is located in remote locations for long periods, apart from the possible cultural expectations of marriage, children or high-paying salaries. An equally gendered perspective can solve some of these complex social issues.

WCP Zambia’s Women for Conservation initiative provides an inclusive network for all women who work in or are interested in wildlife conservation in Zambia to meet, share ideas and opportunities and support each other.

The network hosts quarterly events, bringing members together in one space and connecting hundreds of women to each other, jobs and training opportunities.

In 2020, the Women for Conservation initiative launched a virtual mentorship scheme to support early career conservationists.

We pair young Zambian female conservationists with established and accomplished local and international conservationists. Post-pandemic, the scheme has evolved, with most meeting regularly for coaching sessions using the Women for Conservation mentorship handbook as a guide.