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Wildlife Criminal Justice Programme

Anti-poaching and other law enforcement efforts can be hindered in deterring wildlife crime if cases are not successfully prosecuted or if appropriate sentences are not applied. (Akella, A.S. and J.B. Cannon 2004).

The Wildlife Criminal Justice Programme (WCJ), under WCP, works closely with DNPW officers, NPA and judiciary prosecutors for effective prosecution and appropriate sentencing of wildlife and environmental crime cases in Zambian courts.

Effective prosecution contributes to the certainty element of wildlife crime deterrence and ensures that potential offenders are deterred by the likelihood of being punished accordingly. (Lemieux A.M., et al, 2022)

Our Rapid Reference Guide for the Investigation and Prosecution of Wildlife Crimes in Zambia, produced in partnership with DNPW and NPA, is a best practice reference book available to officers and prosecutors. WCP conducts annual workshops on using this guide and adhering to human rights in wildlife law enforcement.

Through a Memorandum of Understanding with the NPA, WCJ conducts various activities, including:

Courtroom monitoring across 56 subordinate courts nationwide
Capacity building with investigators and prosecutors
Judicial engagement: magistrate field visits to national parks
Correctional facilities engagement
Research into recidivism reduction: offender rehabilitation and reintegration support.